Special issue INCOM '09 of the
Annual Reviews in Control, vol. 34, N° 1
Guest editors: N. Bakhtadze, A. Dolgui
Computers in industry, INCOM09 sessions on "Products and Services Engineering and Management" Guest Editors: S. Cavalieri, M. Taisch
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, INCOM09 sessions "Product Driven Systems" Guest Editors: A. Thomas, D. Trentesaux, P. Valckenaers
Control Engineering Practice, INCOM09 sessions on "Advanced Software Engineering in Industrial Automation" Guest Editor: V. Vyatkin
International Journal of Computer Intergated Manufacturing, INCOM09 Track "Supply Network Engineering" Guest Editors: D. Ivanov, K. Sandkuhl, A. Smirnov
International Journal of Systems Science, INCOM09 Track "Discrete Event Systems" Guest Editors: H. Alla, S. I. Caramihai
International Journal of Production Economics, INCOM09 Track "Production Planning and Logistics" Guest Editors: A. Dolgui, M. Kovalyov
International Journal of Production Research, INCOM09 Track "Design of Production Systems" Guest Editors: A. Dolgui, S. Meerkov
Robotics & Computer Integrated Manufacturing, INCOM09 Track "Enterprise Integration and Networking" Guest Editor: H. Panetto
The purpose of the IFAC Symposium on INFORMATION CONTROL PROBLEMS IN MANUFACTURING is to offer a forum for presenting results of the
international research and development work dealing with applications of optimization methods and automation, information and communication
technologies in the control of the manufacturing plant and the entire supply chain within the e-enterprise. This symposium will address the
scientific challenges and issues raised by the Intelligent Manufacturing System and Supply chain paradigms for optimization and agile digital
control of the entire production system over the whole product and processes life cycle, from the design, through the manufacturing and
maintenance, to the distribution and service.
Topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
Design and Reconfiguration of Manufacturing Systems Facility Planning and Materials Handling Inventory Control, Production Planning and Scheduling Monitoring, Diagnosis and Maintenance of Manufacturing Systems Probabilistic & Statistical Models in Industrial Plant Control Web-enabled Manufacturing Control and Wireless Automation Process Modeling and Information Systems within the Extended Enterprise Socio-technical and Cognitive Aspects of Automation Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Modeling and Applications Distributed Systems and Multi-agents Technologies Discrete Event Systems in Manufacturing Operational Research Applications in CAD/CAM/CAE Industrial and Applied Mathematics for Production
Papers submitted to a special track or session, are those that focus on the topics of an announced special Track or session (authors auto decide). For a submission of this type, please use the āinvited paperā option in the submission system, and the code of the corresponding Track (see http://incom09.org/index.htm#Tracks) or session (see http://incom09.org/index.htm#Sessions).
Regular papers and those submitted to special session or tracks are considered in the same manner during the peer review process which is independent from the organizers of the tracks and sessions.
Indeed, the special tracks and sessions are organized to enhance some particulars topics. These tracks and sessions are open to any participant (not limited to only those already invited by the track or session chairman).
To submit a paper to a track or session below, please select āInvited papersā under the submission procedure, and indicate the alpha-numerical code of the track (marked in bold red) to which you intend to submit your paper. If a track or session has not an alpha-numerical code yet, one should just wait until it appears. By submission deadline, all the alpha-numerical codes will appear.
Discrete Event Systems: Modeling, Performance Evaluation and Supervisory Control Y6kND
Chairs: Prof. Hassane Alla, Grenoble University, FRANCE; Prof. Simona Caramihai, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, ROMANIA; Prof. Alessandro Giua, University of Cagliari, ITALY
Chairs: Hervé Panetto, University of Nancy, FRANCE
- Enabling Reuse in Enterprise Systems Engineering 6Kt4M
Chairs: Associate Professor Lawrence WHITMAN, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS USA; Dr. Marek Obitko, Rockwell Automation Research Centre and Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Chairs: Prof. Alexander A. Lazarev, V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, RUSSIA; Prof. Vincent T'Kindt, University of Tours, Tours, FRANCE; Prof. Frank Werner, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, GERMANY
Design of Production Systems AC3I5 (attention: in the code, "I" is not "1"!)
Chairs: Prof. Ron Askin, Arizona State University, USA; Prof. Anatoli Dashchenko, University MAMI, RUSSIA; Prof. Alexandre Dolgui, ENSM.SE, FRANCE; Prof. Genrikh Levin, Academy of Science, BELARUS
Design and Management of Flexible Supply Networks 8fKF6
Chairs: Dr. Dmitry Ivanov, Chemnitz University of Technology, GERMANY; Prof. Kurt Sandkuhl, Jönköping University, SWEDEN; Prof. Alexander Smirnov, St.Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA
Identification technologies and Product Driven Supply-Chains sWPL4
Chairs: André Thomas, University Henri Poincaré Nancy I, CRAN, FRANCE; Damien Trentesaux, Valenciennes University, LAMIH, FRANCE; Paul Valckenaers, Louvin University, BELGIUM
Chairs: Anton Eremeev, assistant professor, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Omsk Branch, SB RAS, RUSSIA; Yuri Kochetov, assistant professor, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, SB RAS, RUSSIA; Vittorio Maniezzo, professor, University of Bologna, ITALY; Nenad Mladenovic, professor, Brunel Uuniversity, UK
Advanced Software Engineering in Industrial Automation 6pEC9
Chairs: Victor Dubinin, University of Penza, RUSSIA; Kleanthis Thramboulidis, University of Patras, GREECE; Valeriy Vyatkin, University of Auckland, NEW ZEALAND; Alois Zoitl, Technical University of Vienna, AUSTRIA
Reliability and safety of industrial systems d1ej2
Chairs: Prof. Oleg Zaikin, Szczecin University of Technology, POLAND; Prof. Vladymir Kulba, V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA; Prof. B. Pavlov, V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA
V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICS RAS) is the leading Institute on Automatic Control in Russia. It was founded in 1939 and for many years afterwards remained the only scientific organization in the entire Soviet Union in the field of the automatic control. Since the early 60s, the Institute has been actively participating in computer-aided industrial automation. Many large-scale complex control systems in Russia and other countries have been designed under the ICS RAS participation. For several decades, the ICS RAS has developed important research activities in diverse areas of the control theory and its applications in manufacturing. Many scientists known worldwide worked in or collaborated with the ICS RAS. The key research areas of the ICS RAS are: automatic control theory, organizational structures theory, system analysis and control of large-scale systems, control system reliability and efficiency, automation equipment, industrial system identification and control: real-time control, manufacturing, maintenance, robotics, distributed control, logistics, knowledge-based modeling and control, intellectualization of control systems and processes, information systems, and moving object control.